Baby Emmett, NICU

NICU day 98 – HOME.

I never thought this day would come, but we are home. After E’s weight loss last night, they decided to check his weight again this morning. With his good feed volumes, a loss just didn’t make a lot of sense. Whether he managed to gain between last night and this morning or last night’s weight was off, he somehow managed to be up 22 grams this morning. So around 6 a.m. we got the official word from the doctor: we were free to go.

D came home and then I took him to work and T to daycare, and then I came back home to clean and get a few other things wrapped up. I spent the afternoon at the hospital, talked to the nurses and doctors (there were many tears involved), took some pictures, signed some papers, and then I went to go pick up D from work, and T from daycare (after nap), so we could all go back to the hospital and take E home as a family. It was an incredibly emotional experience.

It’s funny, everyone says the NICU days feel long while you’re there, but after you leave they feel like a distant memory. I couldn’t have understood while we were in the thick of things, but we’ve only been home about six hours and already I’m starting to see how that could be true. In many ways it feels like a bad dream that I just finally woke up from.

I’m going to cut this post short because I need to get to bed. And unlike in the hospital, there will be no nurses to feed him when he wakes up in a few hours. Now the real fun begins…

A final quiet moment in the hospital.
Headed home as a family of four!
Waiting for Daddy to bring the car around.
First car ride!
Fun in the swing.
My boys.


12 thoughts on “NICU day 98 – HOME.”

  1. I am so happy that baby Emmett is home! I have avidly followed your blog for a while and just wanted you to know that your daily posts through all of this have been informative and also heartfelt. I shared your story with family and friends and everyone rooted for Emmett. Anyway, ENJOY your beautiful family. Looking forward to watching Emmett grow!

  2. What a happy day for all of you, we are so proud of you as a family, going through this will all be worth the effort. Two wonderful boys, God has blessed you.

  3. It’s been like reading a story that’s come to a very satisfying and happy ending. Can’t wait for the sequel!

  4. I’m so happy that you are finally home!! And you never have to see triple digits!! I have greatly enjoyed reading your blog, and hope you continue posting updates.

  5. You don’t know me, but I’ve been following along on the Bump and I am SO thrilled for you. My little guy was born the same day you are taking Emmett home. I can’t imagine how emotional this must be. Best wishes as you four settle in and find your new rhythm.

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